



Cerbyd Timetable

Cerbyd Prescription

Cerbyd Map

Cerbyd Logo


Cerbyd Formby

Cerbyd Formby

Cerbyd Cover


Odyssey around Wales, posters, text and video

1 – 12 August 2010


Brian Watkins and I selected 10 artists to journey across Wales in a bid to forge links with society by visiting diverse community groups and creating art works in response. Cerbyd is a template for uniting artists through travel, activity, collaboration and dialogue. In these encounters the artists took on the role of explorers, ob­serving and participating in unique activities. 

The idea was to provide a creative map of Wales, making it easier to identify numerous important communities and artist groups. It’s aim was to benefit those wanting to work in Wales, by bringing contemporary art practice and new audiences into rural areas.

‘One can understand Cerbyd as a journey in which the artists became tourists of the social. It was a pilgrimage, a way of world-making. A Grand Tour of Wales that yielded encounters in which the artists took on the role of explorers. visiting micro-territories, observing and participating in rituals and customs of the societies they met.’ – Paul R Jones

Cerbyd Artists were: anti-cool aka Tomoko Takahashi, Kathryn Ashill, Louise Bird, Megan Broadmeadow, Femke van Gent, Paul R Jones, Ben Lloyd, Rosa Tyhurst, Charlotte Turner and Brian Watkins.

Read more about Cerbyd: Essay written by Paul R Jones

Blog about the Cerbyd journey, a-n, 25 January 2010 – 11 March 2011

Supported by a project grant from the Arts Council of Wales and mentoring from WARP (Wales artist resource programme), g39.